I read your piece feeling the excruciating rawness of it and with every line i've wanted to yell: " Even the masters experience self-doubt; you're only truly a writer once you've tasted the bitterness of imposter syndrome." but I must respect your decision and bow to your courage. May the rebound be sweet, and as rebounds do, may it propel you forward, upward, joyfully.

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Nothing is ever wasted. On to the next! I can’t wait to read what you’ll put next into the world ❤️

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Yes--use the parts! Or put it in the attic and start anew. I’m sure all that writing made you a better writer.

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I so painfully relate to this. I've found many upsides, too, weirdly. Sending lots of head nods and other affirming gestures. xoxoxo

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Brave of you to take this step. Sounds like you had another f**king growth experience which are so painful but important.

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I love you. And I feel every word of this brave (agonizing, powerful, empowered and still somehow providing your reader comic relief) post deeply. What. A. Journey.

This may not be your book-baby yet, Jackie, but I love where you’re redirecting your attention. We need your voice, your heart and your words.

Chop. Mourn. Compost. Grow.

That’s how this works, right? You’re incredible ❤️

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